RTP Repair
Frequently Asked Equipment Questions
Q I get the message in the event log ILC error code J
A The following table shows the possible error codes and their cause.
The “J” code means that one of the safety inputs to the SEC card of the ILC is not correct. There are usually 3 inputs to this card. One from the Main Relay, One from a temperature sensor on the IGBT board, and one from the Main Security Board that checks all the other interlocks that need to be correct to allow the ILC to turn on the lamps
“J” is the most common and is usually an indicator that there is not enough water or airflow in the chamber cooling circuits
ILC Error Codes
0 everything OK
1 empty telegram, only <STX> and <STX> are received
2 unknown telegram number or <NAK> are received
3 timeout on serial port detected ==> heating off
4 invalid lamp number received; correct values: hex 0x01 .. 0x40 (dec 1 - 64)
5 invalid basic value. hex 0x000 .. 0xFFF (dec 0 .. 4095)
6 received hex. character is incorrect; need new transmission (0..9, A..F)
7 invalid telegram (incorrect format)
8 received lamp number is higher as set by telgram no. 3, or lamp number is zero.
9 correction value is out of range. (range: hex 0x0 .. 0xFFF)
A number of lamps is not yet set, missing telegram no. 3
B missing RDY signal from PWM board ==> heating off
C missing RDY signal form POD board ==> heating off
D number of lamps is not set yet, send telgram no. 3 first.(ILCI only)
E invalid switch on/off code.
F heating is still hardware interlocked; see LED D3B. (ILCI only)
G RDY timeout on PWM board ==> heating off
H extern or power on reset. module was new initialized==> send new parameters
I Watchdog Timer Reset. module was new initialized ==> send new parameters
J safety error on SEC board ==> heating off
K invalid parameter ==> heating off
L IB error
M (Not Used)
N preheat not initialized
O Invalid correction table
P SEC board missing
t timeout reading status
T timeout sending heat values
U could not switch on heating
Q The LCCU or LCMU shows Lamp 1 Defeckt
But you have tested Lamp 1 and the lamp is FINE
A In most cases this means that the ILC did not send the signals to start heating the lamps. Look for an ILC error code in the event log or Safety Rules pages of the Software.
Useful information on how the LCCU / LCMU (also called the Lamp Checker) works.
The Lamp Checker circuit performs 2 vital but opposite functions depending on the tool status.
1. To check the function of the lamps during processing.
The trigger to start checking the lamps is provided by the Digital Output COOLING ON from the computer when it is running the recipe. The COOLING ON signal is turned on at a specific time in the recipe step immediately prior to the first recipe step that contains a heating value. This gives the tool the chance to turn on the water flow and airflow and get them to the proper values so the correct safety inputs are active BEFORE the ILC sends the first Heating signals to the lamps. If the ILC does not start preheating the lamps then there is no lamp current and the first lamp that is detected not heating is labeled Defective. Since the lamp checker starts with lamp 1 than this is why the error reads as such.
Many times this is caused by the recipe step (as explained above) being shortened by just a few seconds. This causes the tool to try to turn on the cooling and also heat at the same time.
When the COOLING ON signal is turned on in Diagnostics mode, the Lamp Checker gets the signal to start checking lamps for current even though the ILC is NOT sending heating signals to the lamps.
Again you will get Lamp 1 DEFEKT
2. Make sure the lamps are OFF when the tool is IDLE. When the COOLING ON signal is NOT ACTIVE
When the tool is idle the LCCU cycles through the lamps and looks for current to any lamp that should not be there. It is not checking the lamp function as many people mistakenly think but checking for an unsafe condition.
This usually indicates a defective IGBT. This can allow a lamp to come one at FULL POWER.
If current is detected in any lamp then the LCCU triggers a signal to the Emergency Off Control Unit.
Main power to the Lamp Field will be SHUTDOWN and the TCA light will change to RED.
The LCCU will also display the error Heating Active without COOLING ON